Thursday, December 22, 2005

In the silence of this night, I wonder whatever happend to these two beautiful children, who I met in South Africa. They were left behind in this orphanage; they had AIDS... but no medications to treat them. No mother to watch over them. No place to call home. No one to visit them, or to call family...

They both latched on to me, and did not want to let go. In the deep tragedy I witnessed, I felt strangely happy to be holding them, and loving them. I knew their lives would be shortlived; I knew their end would be near.

Surely they have died by now, 2 years after this picture was taken in Soweto.

The third child I carried in this picture that day, was Maya.

The injustices in this world are sometimes just too much to bear.


What are emotions?
Where do they stem from?
Are they a mere conclusion after a chain of chemical reactions in a body? A culmination of hormones?

Or are emotions connected to the spirit? The soul deep within. Our inner reality? How is it that you can control your emotions with medications? Does that mean that you can control your spirit in that way? What does spirit then really mean? What is 'soul' really?

I'm emotional about so many things in my life. I am having a hard time expressing these emotions nowadays. For various reasons...
E-motion... the very word itself implies action, movement; how can one feel emotional and not move, not cry out, change? Isn't it for emotion that poetry, art and music are born. If not for emotion, how do people promise eachother for a lifetime?
How can one remain silent when emotions surface...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Organza Water Lily

It's been a while since my last visit.
So much is happening internally; yet little evident from the outside... I hope that as with these wondrous water lilies, my inner reality too may soon blossom into an outward path of service.

I'm setting up my practice... yes, it is happening finally; the amount of work is simply overwhelming. Yet, I'm trying to get a grip on it all.

Will talk more later soon. Enjoy the organza lilies...

Monday, October 24, 2005


My Hero: Nelson Mandela


Two years ago, one of my life long dreams was fulfilled... to visit the Great Continent of Africa. I went as part of an Allergy & Immunology-delegation of 'People To People Ambassador Programs,' a great humanitarian organization that seeks to create understanding among nations through private citizens.

At first, I was "disappointed" that we were going to South Africa, so called the 'Europe of Africa.' But, o my God, I could not have been more mistaken! From the moment I landed in Johannesburg, my heart was captured by this fascinating country, and it's amazing people.

I learnt in great detail about the life of Nelson Mandela along my journey, and each lesson about this Giant, humbled me to my feet. He is, to me, the personification of what material, human hardship can bring about to an enlightened soul. This man gave meaning to the concept of 'Transformation'. How truly inspiring his life is.

How powerful.

How meaningful... thank you, Nelson Mandela, for all you've done to bring about harmony among the races.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Divine Assistance

How intricate it this architectural masterpiece. I love it. It symbolizes "Allah'u'Abha" 19 times in arabic ("God is Most Glorious"). How can you really tell if you have been 'divinely assisted'? How do you REALLY know? When is it real, when is it a figment of your own imagination?

Today I felt (or thought to have felt) 'divinely assisted'. I prayed Allah'u'Abha many times... and felt empowered during my actions. I was looking for office space here in Hoboken, and somehow a lot of things just flowed together and felt 'right'. ... Is that what it is? When it 'feels right'? What when it 'feels wrong'; are you not 'divinely assisted' during those times?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I miss Home...
This is a capture of the Netherlands from NASA.
Hi Mom!
Hi Dad!
Love you...

Monday, October 17, 2005

O My Servant

'Free thyself from the fetters of this world,
and loose thy soul from the prison of self.
Seize thy chance, for it will come to thee
no more.'


Greatest Name

'Listen to presences inside poems,
Let them take you where they will.

Follow those private hints,
and never leave the premises.'


These two are my pride and joy.
I feel blessed having been enabled to
have them in my life and been
allowed to watch them grow...
I am grateful indeed.


This catching art-work, I found on the internet.
It's entitled "Sun".
Beautiful warm colours.
Like my children's laughter.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Emerging From Obscurity

pfffff.... just now, I gave my "www" (!) to my very first guest... And what a special guest he is!!!!

Hey WELCOME JK, to my world of thoughts!!

It feels a little scary, but I'm happy it's you my dear!

Mirror Effect

Last year I was lucky to be present with John at a lecture, where Deepak Chopra spoke (what a magical speaker!) and one of the understandings I came away with that night, the concept that when you "find fault" or feel "bothered" by another human being, it is usually a reflection of something you ultimately do not like in yourself!

I was stunned.

It touched me deeply; deep in my heart AND my mind, to be exact.

I started to intertwine this concept into my daily existence, and learned a whole lot about myself. Sides perhaps I ignored, neglected... It has been very interesting. It did my marriage a world of good too; less critical of my partner, first contemplating about any possible lurking irritation about him... Thinking "perhaps a reflection of myself?"... "What am I not seeing about my own actions?" It has been an interesting journey of self-discovery, and a powerful lesson in Humility.

This concept also holds true in your friendships; today something happened that made me re-visit this topic. And again...It humbled me... The same friend that inspired me to emerge into the world of 'blog', wrote something in one of her (awesome!) communications that made me first react, then think, and then think again... It captivated my being the entire day. One of the first thoughts that came to me when reading her thoughts on a particular subject was "did we not discuss this earlier with one another", and "did I not suggest and mention this diagnosis to you before"; I felt that obviously she had not listened to me, or even had taken me seriously before, especially since this topic had to do with my field of expertise. I was perplexed. I clearly remembered discussing it with her... Why did she not "hear" me back then, I thought to myself? She seemed very interested.

So, I was on my way to Baha'i children's class at the Cabin, a 30-minute drive on a wonderfully beautiful autumn morning; my thoughts flowed back to Deepak... And by the end of that gorgeous drive, I came to the dreadful conclusion that perhaps I was finally ready to discover another "challenge" within my personality: perhaps I was the one who was not always "hearing"?!!..

I am grateful to my dear friend -who never seizes to amaze me- for allowing me to view her materialized thoughts, to learn something new about myself, and to try and improve on it. I am really grateful.

Thank you for being a mirror today.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


After being invited to visit a dear friend's blog, I realized that this medium is amazing. ..

So, here I am ... 'Tranquil Within'... my ultimate goal,

not my exact current state.
