Thursday, December 22, 2005


What are emotions?
Where do they stem from?
Are they a mere conclusion after a chain of chemical reactions in a body? A culmination of hormones?

Or are emotions connected to the spirit? The soul deep within. Our inner reality? How is it that you can control your emotions with medications? Does that mean that you can control your spirit in that way? What does spirit then really mean? What is 'soul' really?

I'm emotional about so many things in my life. I am having a hard time expressing these emotions nowadays. For various reasons...
E-motion... the very word itself implies action, movement; how can one feel emotional and not move, not cry out, change? Isn't it for emotion that poetry, art and music are born. If not for emotion, how do people promise eachother for a lifetime?
How can one remain silent when emotions surface...

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